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All4You! is a program to prevent HIV, other STD and pregnancy among students in grades 9–12 in alternative education settings. It was designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors and specifically developed for use in alternative schools serving youth ages 14–18. The program also aims to change key determinants related to sexual risk taking, such as attitudes, beliefs and perceived norms. It consists of 9 skills-based classroom lessons and 5 service-learning visits in the community.


All4You2! is a program to prevent HIV, other STD and pregnancy among students ages 14–18 in alternative education settings. The primary goal of the program is to reduce the risk of pregnancy and/or STD, including HIV, by reducing the number of students who have unprotected sexual intercourse (either by increasing use of effective birth control and/or condom use or reducing the frequency of sexual intercourse). The program also aims to change key determinants related to sexual risk taking, such as attitudes, beliefs and perceived norms. This approved adaptation of All4You! consists of 15 skills-based classroom lessons, and does not include a service-learning component. 

Be Proud! Be Responsible!

Be Proud! Be Responsible! An Evidence-Based Intervention to Empower Youth to Reduce Their Risk of HIV is a multi-media 6-module curriculum that provides adolescents with the knowledge, motivation and skills to change their behaviors in ways that will reduce their risk of contracting HIV. 

Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective!

Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective! is an 8-module adaptation of the Be Proud! Be Responsible! program targeting adolescent mothers and pregnant girls. The curriculum emphasizes the role of maternal protectiveness in motivating adolescents to make healthy sexual decisions and decrease risky sexual behavior. It also encourages adolescents to take on sexual responsibility and accountability and increases awareness of the effects of HIV/AIDS on inner-city communities and their children.

Draw the Line

Draw the Line/Respect the Line is a 3-year evidence-based curriculum that promotes abstinence by providing students in grades 6, 7 and 8 with the knowledge and skills to prevent HIV, other STD and pregnancy. Using an interactive approach, the program shows students how to set personal limits and meet challenges to those limits. Lessons also include the importance of respecting others’ personal limits. 

Get Real

Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works is a 3-year middle school curriculum developed by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts and published by ETR. Get Real emphasizes social and emotional skills as a key component of healthy relationships and responsible decision making. It promotes abstinence from sex as a safe and healthy choice for adolescents; provides a comprehensive understanding of sexual health, sexuality and protection methods; and supports parents and other caring adults as the primary sexuality educators of their children through family activities that encourage dialogue between students and the caring adults in their lives about sexual health topics. The Get Real program also offers a 1-year high school curriculum.

HealthSmart: Sexual Health Units

HealthSmart is an evidence-informed, K–12 health education program that focuses on the CDC’s six areas of risk for young people and is aligned with the National Health Education Standards and the CDC's Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT). At middle and high school, the program offers two units on sexual health: one focuses on sexual abstinence as a way to protect sexual health and avoid unplanned pregnancy, HIV and other STI; and the other encourages abstinence but also addresses safer sex practices for reducing the risk of HIV, other STI and unintended pregnancy through the use of condoms and other forms of contraception. HealthSmart units are available in both print and digital editions.


IN·clued: Inclusive Healthcare – Youth & Providers Empowered is an LGBTQ-centered and evidence-based program that addresses the sexual health disparities affecting LGBTQ youth across the United States. This dual approach program combines LGBTQ youth-friendly health services with direct relevant and inclusive sex education. It consists of a 3-hour interactive youth workshop and a 3-hour interactive workshop for health center staff and providers.

It's Your Game

It’s Your Game…Keep It Real is a classroom and digital HIV, STI and pregnancy prevention program for middle school students. It integrates group-based classroom activities, such as roleplays, discussions and small-group work, with personalized journaling and individually tailored computer-based activities to help young people delay sex, develop positive attitudes toward abstinence, gain greater self-efficacy for refusing sex, and increase their knowledge about condom and contraceptive use.

Making a Difference!

Making a Difference! An Evidence-Based, Abstinence Approach to Teen Pregnancy and HIV/STD Prevention is an 8-module curriculum that provides young adolescents with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and pregnancy by abstaining from sex. The program is also available in a 13-module School Edition, with shorter sessions to accommodate school scheduling. 

Making Proud Choices!

Making Proud Choices! Facilitator Curriculum CoverMaking Proud Choices! An Evidence-Based, Safer-Sex Approach to Teen Pregnancy and HIV/STD Prevention provides adolescents with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), HIV and pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex. It is based on cognitive-behavioral theories, focus groups and the authors’ extensive experience working with youth. Making Proud Choices! is an adaptation and extension of the original Be Proud! Be Responsible! curriculum that integrates teen pregnancy prevention along with HIV/STI prevention.

Promoting Health Among Teens! (Abstinence Only)

In the Promoting Health Among Teens! Abstinence Only curriculum, students learn about puberty, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, and pregnancy prevention through a lively, interactive and student-centric curriculum, that includes talking circles, brainstorming, roleplays, DVDs, exercises and games that make learning enjoyable. The School Edition is designed to work with a classroom schedule. The intervention focuses entirely on knowledge, attitudes and skills that encourage and assist young people in implementing abstinence in their relationships.

Promoting Health Among Teens! (Comprehensive)

In the Promoting Health Among Teens! Comprehensive curriculum, students learn about puberty, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, and pregnancy prevention through a lively, interactive and student-centric curriculum, that includes talking circles, brainstorming, roleplays, DVDs, exercises and games that make learning enjoyable.

Reducing the Risk

Reducing the Risk (RTR) is a 16-session curriculum designed to help high school students delay the initiation of sex or increase the use of protection against pregnancy and STD/HIV if they choose to have sex. This research-proven approach addresses skills such as risk assessment, communication, decision making, planning, refusal strategies and delay tactics.

Respecting the Circle of Life

RCL cover imageRespecting the Circle of Life: Mind, Body & Spirit is an STD/HIV and pregnancy prevention program for Native American youth between the ages 11 and 19 and their parents or other trusted adults. The primary goal of the program is to give youth the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy and STDs. The program also covers decision making, values, goal setting, communication, and knowledge about risk behaviors associated with HIV, other STDs, teen pregnancy, violence, and alcohol and drug use.

Safer Choices

Safer Choices is a 2-year, multi-component STD, HIV, and teen pregnancy prevention program for high school students. The program aims to reduce the frequency of unprotected sex by reducing the number of sexually active students and increasing condom use and other methods of pregnancy protection among students who are sexually active. It seeks to motivate behavioral change by addressing factors such as attitudes and beliefs (including self-efficacy), social skills (particularly refusal and negotiation skills), functional knowledge, social and media influences, peer norms and parent/child communication.

Sisters Saving Sisters

Sisters Saving Sisters is a 5-module curriculum designed to empower young, teenage women to change their behavior in ways that will reduce their risk of becoming infected with HIV and other STDs, and significantly decrease their chances of being involved in unintended pregnancies. This curriculum acknowledges that abstinence is the most effective way to eliminate these risks, but also encourages the practice of safer sex and condom use. It addresses the underlying attitudes and beliefs that many young women have about condoms, provides information and exercises that teach them how to use condoms correctly, and gives them the confidence they need to choose and negotiate safer-sex practices.

Sister to Sister

Sister to Sister is a one-on-one, 20-minute skill and safer sex intervention designed to provide women with the knowledge, beliefs, motivation and confidence necessary to help them change their behavior in ways that will reduce their risk for STDs, especially HIV. It is also designed to build the self-efficacy and skills to practice these behaviors. Sister to Sister TEEN is an adaptation of the program intended for use with adolescents.

Teen Options to Prevent Pregnancy

The TOPP program uses Motivational Interviewing to help prevent rapid repeat pregnancy and promote healthy birth spacing among teens by providing telephone and home-based care coordination and access to family planning and other services.