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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

Gratitude for Centering Racial Equity
November 26, 2019

Gratitude for Centering Racial Equity

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | November 26, 2019

I’m grateful every year for the opportunity to share ETR’s science-based practice of expressing gratitude. This year, I’m especially thankful for living our values of centering equity. This includes the continued efforts of aligning our work with the Health Equity Framework. It also includes our internal work to center racial equity in our lives and our workplace.

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Tags: Research to practice, Condoms, Research, Sexual and reproductive health, Health education
Increase Stakeholder Engagement Through Data Parties
August 8, 2019

Increase Stakeholder Engagement Through Data Parties

By Eleanor Hayden | August 8, 2019

Have you ever wanted to increase stakeholder engagement in your research? Or introduce participatory data analysis to your work? If you have, a data party might be for you!

I recently attended a webinar on data parties presented by Kylie Hutchinson at Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation. I learned how to host a data party as well as the potential benefits they can provide to everyone involved, from researchers to evaluators to community stakeholders. Here are some key take-homes.

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Tags: Data, Evaluation, Research
NSF Video Hall & Spanish Family Code Night: ETR Makes a Movie!
June 13, 2019

NSF Video Hall & Spanish Family Code Night: ETR Makes a Movie!

By David Manuel Torres | June 13, 2019

Every year, the National Science Foundation (NSF) hosts a unique virtual event—a week-long STEM for All Video Showcase. In the videos, Principal Investigators, practitioners and researchers describe federally funded projects that seek to improve and innovate within STEM education. The brief videos are posted and viewed globally. This year, I joined up with ETR Senior Research Scientist Jill Denner and Senior Editor Marcia Quackenbush to create an ETR video for the NSF showcase. 

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Tags: Research, Computer science for all, Computer science education, Videos, NSF, STEM equity, STEM education, Equity in Tech
Qualitative Research: Helping to Move Health Equity Forward
May 16, 2019

Qualitative Research: Helping to Move Health Equity Forward

By ETR's Qualitative Evaluation Sub-Core Group | May 16, 2019

Advancing health equity is one of ETR’s core values. We are part of a movement to improve health and education outcomes for all communities. Qualitative research—the kind that asks questions, gathers stories and provides rich contextual information—is a valuable tool in this work.

Qualitative research helps us better understand how communities see themselves, their future, their history, and the ways they change over time. It gives us information about structural and social influences and how these affect individuals, neighborhoods and society at large. This is essential knowledge as we engage in efforts to address inequities.

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Tags: Health equity, Research
Research-Practice Partnerships: Sharing Data Where It Matters
May 13, 2019

Research-Practice Partnerships: Sharing Data Where It Matters

By David Manuel Torres | May 13, 2019

For most people, “data” is a four-letter word—not many enjoy looking at distributions and comparing percentages. Even fewer like to do so at the end of an hour-long meeting on a Tuesday morning. It’s data. If you’re not into statistics, it can be confusing. It isn’t always clear how it’s going to be useful in the real world.

Still, there are times when data need to be discussed. 

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Tags: Digital Nest, STEM equity, Research practice partnership, Research, STEM education
Three Tips to Succeed in a Summer Internship
May 9, 2019

Three Tips to Succeed in a Summer Internship

By Anisha Singh | May 9, 2019
Doctoral Student, University of Tennessee, Knoxville and 2018 ETR Kirby Intern

Here is an essential truth about internships: they go by really fast. Another essential truth: any intern can get more out of their experience by being as prepared as possible ahead of time.

Here are three tips I put to work for my internship. Whether you’re doing an internship yourself or offering guidance to others, these steps can make a difference both in what an intern gives an organization and what they learn for themselves.

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Tags: Public health, Research, Kirby internship, Internship
Beyond the Literature: 4 Things Young Fathers Have Taught Me
April 2, 2019

Beyond the Literature: 4 Things Young Fathers Have Taught Me

By BA Laris, MPH | April 2, 2019

“I was 14 and I just didn’t know…”

Many of us work with teens who face challenges because they didn’t have health information and resources they needed. We put a lot of effort into gathering our own information about their circumstances so we can offer them the best support possible.

But what do you do when you don’t know?

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Tags: Young parents, Young fathers
Let's Talk About the Mistrust Trans Community Members Have for Researchers
February 19, 2019

Let's Talk About the Mistrust Trans Community Members Have for Researchers

By Bo James Hwang | February 19, 2019
Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Student, UCLA Extension

The All of Us Research Program, a project of the National Institutes of Health, aims to gather health data from one million people living in the United States. I was chosen to participate in one of the University of California, San Francisco’s research feedback sessions for the initiative.

Many of the trans and non-binary people participating in the feedback session discussed their personal experiences with medical providers and researchers. Many brought up the mistrust that trans people have for researchers. 

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Tags: Community voices, LGBTQ, Transgender, Health equity, Ethics, Research
Three Ways to Rock a Recruitment Pitch for a Study
January 8, 2019

Three Ways to Rock a Recruitment Pitch for a Study

By ETR | January 8, 2019

ETR has a nationally recognized Research Department. Our multidisciplinary research team engages in research addressing a wide range of educational and public health issues.

One of the challenges in research is recruiting participants for studies. In work we did recently, our research assistants went to college classrooms. They delivered a five-minute “pitch” inviting students to participate in an online survey about their learning experiences.

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Tags: Recruitment, College, Research
What Is "Scaffolding" In Adolescent Relationships?
November 29, 2018

What Is "Scaffolding" In Adolescent Relationships?

By ETR | November 29, 2018

We had an outstanding Kirby Summit IV this fall. This invitational gathering brings together experts from around the country who know a great deal about emerging issues in adolescent health. The Kirby IV summiteers focused on scaffolding for adolescent relationships. If you're not quite sure what that is, you'll want to watch this lively 3-minute video from ETR Senior Research Associate Pamela Anderson.

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Tags: Scaffolding, Romantic relationships, Adolescents, Kirby summit
Supporting Diversity & Inclusion: Harry Potter's Greatest Spell
November 13, 2018

Supporting Diversity & Inclusion: Harry Potter's Greatest Spell

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD, and Rebecca A. Dore, PhD  | November 13, 2018

Harry Potter is the best-selling book series of all time. The books and their derivatives have made author J.K. Rowling the world’s first billionaire author. The novels and subsequent movies are certainly engaging and entertaining. Indeed, entertainment is the primary goal of most media and works of fiction.

But how we engage with fiction and media is a serious area of study for researchers in fields as diverse as psychology, education, literary studies, philosophy and communications. 

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD
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Tags: Reading, Stigma, Diversity and inclusion, Research
A Drop in The Bucket: Mentoring Young African-American Men
November 6, 2018

A Drop in The Bucket: Mentoring Young African-American Men

By James Walker | November 6, 2018
Project Specialist, ETR

This past September I was faced with a sobering reality. I had to witness my father’s passing and subsequently oversee his homegoing. Although the process was earnest in nature, I was emotionally detached. It is hard to feel attached to someone who was never really in your life. 

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Tags: Underrepresented youth, Youth empowerment, Mentoring
Kirby Summit IV: Scaffolding for Adolescent Relationships
October 23, 2018

Kirby Summit IV: Scaffolding for Adolescent Relationships

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | October 23, 2018

ETR has now hosted four Kirby Summits. These convenings bring together a small group of brilliant people with a shared commitment to promoting adolescent health and well being.

The key to the Summit’s uniqueness? While each one of the invited participants brings impressive expertise, as a group they come from different disciplines and perspectives.

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Tags: Romantic relationships, Developmental relationships, Adolescent health, Adolescent development, Sexual and reproductive health, Kirby summit
Kirby Summit IV: Supporting Healthy Adolescent Relationships
October 11, 2018

Kirby Summit IV: Supporting Healthy Adolescent Relationships

By Pamela Anderson, PhD | October 11, 2018

The Kirby Summit is one of the highlights of ETR’s year. Today, we embark on the fourth occurrence of this remarkable convening.

While we know a lot about adolescent development from our own professional perspective, people with deep expertise from other perspectives know things we do not. When we bring these different groups together, amazing things can happen. This is what the Kirby Summit is about.

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Tags: Kirby summit, Romantic relationships, Adolescent development
Losing the Phobia: HIV PrEP is Bridging the Serodivide
September 27, 2018

Losing the Phobia: HIV PrEP is Bridging the Serodivide

By Ifeoma Udoh, PhD | September 27, 2018

Access to PrEP is changing minds and behaviors. As an HIV prevention option, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV) has provided individuals who may be at risk for HIV an important tool in the way they conceptualize choices about sex partners.

The practice of serosorting—selecting a sexual partner based on HIV status—has often been seen as either stigmatizing or divisive. However, PrEP is changing this practice among both older and younger men who have sex with men (MSM). I contributed to a just-published paper that demonstrates this in some persuasive ways.

By Ifeoma Udoh, PhD
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Tags: Equity, Stigma, PrEP, HIV prevention, HIV
The Choices We Make: Social Dominance Theory in Health, Politics & Life
May 1, 2018

The Choices We Make: Social Dominance Theory in Health, Politics & Life

By Beverly Iniguez-Conrique | May 1, 2018

In 1994, two very important events happened in my life. First, one of the earliest papers on Social Dominance Theory was published. Second, I was born.

Social Dominance Theory holds that people develop a set of beliefs—“legitimizing myths”—that support their attitudes about social inequities.

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Tags: Discrimination, Health equity, Stress, Social Dominance Orientation
ETR's Health Equity Framework: A Mission-Focused Tool
April 24, 2018

ETR's Health Equity Framework: A Mission-Focused Tool

By Vignetta Charles, PhD & Karin Coyle, PhD | April 24, 2018

At ETR, we advance health equity through science-based solutions. We’ve been doing it for 37 years. But it wasn’t until recently that we developed our own framework to explicitly and transparently ground our work in health equity. This more intentional approach to health equity has energized our mission-driven work.

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Tags: Health Equity Framework, Health equity
Positive Social Media Use for Youth: 6 Recommendations to Guide Parents, Educators & Other Professionals
April 12, 2018

Positive Social Media Use for Youth: 6 Recommendations to Guide Parents, Educators & Other Professionals

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD | April 12, 2018

Worried about social media’s influence on youth? A lot of people are.

In the first part of this blog post, I talked about some of the reasons we worry. Here are 6 recommendations that can guide parents and those who work with youth in supporting healthy use of these new tools.

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD
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Tags: Media, Teens, Social media
Social Media, Traditional Media: Really Different? Or Really the Same?
April 5, 2018

Social Media, Traditional Media: Really Different? Or Really the Same?

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD | April 5, 2018

From a fairly young age, today’s kids are growing up with all kinds of social media. Parents and professionals struggle to keep up with the latest trends and protect children from possible harm. As a media researcher and a parent, I'm also working to stay abreast of the latest technology and how it impacts children and adolescents.

But rather than looking at every new app as a focus of research, I'm interested in the larger issues related to social media use—things like why and how we use social media.

By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD
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Tags: Social media, Media
ETR's Kirby Summit Rises Again
March 6, 2018

ETR's Kirby Summit Rises Again

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | March 6, 2018

The Kirby Summit is a one-of-a kind experience. This small, invitational convening gathers experts from across the nation. They meet over two days to talk about promoting adolescent health and reducing health risks.

Okay, you’ve probably heard about other events similar to this. Why is the Kirby Summit so special?

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES
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Tags: Adolescent development, Developmental neuroscience, Sexual and reproductive health, Kirby summit

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