Making Proud Choices! (California Edition) Print Bundle (Spanish)
Now available in Spanish!
The Spanish version of the Making Proud Choices! California Edition is a 9-module adaptation of the original evidence-based Making Proud Choices! curriculum designed to meet the requirements of the California Healthy Youth Act. This program can also be used by agencies and schools that wish to provide additional comprehensive sexual health education content to the Spanish-speaking youth they serve. It provides adolescents with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs,) HIV and pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex.
- Facilitator Curriculum
- Activity Set (interactive cards, roleplays, posters)
- Online access to Curriculum videos: Tanisha and Shay; Nicole's Choice; The Hard Way; The Subject Is: HIV (Safer Sex); The Subject Is: STDs (Safer Sex); Wrap It Up & Condom Use Animation (Note: Videos are in English with Spanish subtitles available.)
- Student Workbooks (classroom set of 30). Order additional student workbooks (beyond the 30 included).
- One Training Seat for an interactive virtual curriculum training (valid for 1 year) Note: Training is conducted in English.
This program purchase includes FREE ground shipping where available!
ETR's Virtual Training of Educators (TOE) for Making Proud Choices! is an interactive blend of synchronous and asynchronous activities. The TOE equips sexual health facilitators with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the program with youth. Once you purchase the program, you will be contacted to schedule your training. See the Training Calendar for available dates and times. For more information about our Training Services, see our FAQs.
For more information on Making Proud Choices! including a sample lesson, table of contents, research, adaptation guidelines, details on training, and much more, please visit the Making Proud Choices! section of ETR's Program Success Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health.