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Kirby Summer Internship for 2015: Great Opportunity!

Kirby Summer Internship for 2015: Great Opportunity!

By ETR | November 14, 2014

Are you a graduate student in education, psychology, public health, epidemiology or a related field? Do you have a focus or interest in sexual and reproductive health? Do you work with graduate students in these fields? 


It’s time to think about the 2015 Kirby Summer Internship!

About the Internship

ETR will be selecting 1-2 interns for the summer 2015 season. This internship offers a stipend and presents opportunities for mentored work in research syntheses, implementation programs, research methodology and more. Interns are based at ETR’s headquarters in Scotts Valley, California, or our Oakland office.

Many Opportunities

Graduate students Brittany Chambers and Brittany Nielsen were selected for the 2014 internship. (That was just a coincidence. You don’t need to be named Brittany to apply!) ETR’s Director of Research, Erin Cassidy-Eagle, PhD, describes their contributions:

One of the great things about this internship is that it’s really a two-way street. Our staff gets a boost from the new energy of people early in their careers joining into our work. The interns are welcomed into all kinds of projects here, and the expertise they bring into the mix is highly valued.

The number of projects our 2014 interns participated in is impressive. They both did staff brown bag presentations. Each participated in a video about their work.

They contributed to grant-writing on active projects. Each is a co-author on a manuscript developed by working with some of ETR’s available data.

We’re looking forward to another successful exchange with our 2015 internship.

Find Out More

Click here for more details regarding the Kirby Summer Internship. You can find the online application for 2015 here. Deadline for applications is February 28, 2015.

Last Year’s Interns

Learn more about our 2014 Kirby Summer Interns. You can read a brief interview with Brittany Chambers and watch a video about her research and her thoughts about the internship. You can also read Brittany Nielsen's interview, and see her video discussing one of her passions, the social determinants of health.

About Doug Kirby

The late Dr. Douglas Kirby, a senior research scientist at ETR, dedicated his career to promoting sexual and reproductive health among young people through writing, teaching and research.

Dr. Kirby was a passionate professional who was incredibly generous with his time. He relished the opportunity to explore scientific issues, and continuously pondered and tackled complexities of the field.

Doug was also a caring human being who took personal interest in those he met. He loved a good conversation. He took the time to build relationships, show concern, and share his support no matter how busy he was.

In his honor, ETR has established the Kirby Summer Internship for graduate students in education, psychology, sociology, public health, epidemiology or a related field, with a focus or interest in sexual and reproductive health.



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