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There are 61 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Professional development".

11. Currently Reading: Keeping the Magic in Facilitation

By Sarah Axelson, MSW | May 15, 2018

I’m a training and facilitation nerd. Anyone who knows me knows I embrace that label and use it lovingly. I’m constantly trying to think of new, more engaging ways to help people learn.

I’m so entrenched in this work that at a recent dinner with friends, as we were settling our tab, I found myself digging through my purse searching for my wallet. It finally turned up under a copy of one of the books I’m currently reading.

Tags: Currently reading, Facilitation, Professional development

12. De-Escalation Techniques: Coping with Students & Clients, Coping with Our Lives

By BA Laris, MPH | April 10, 2018

The news and my social media feed keep screaming at me. FINANCIAL CRISIS! POLITICAL CRISIS! ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS! PERSONAL CRISIS!

It feels like everyone is facing a catastrophe. This barrage of uncertainty is highly distressing (especially for this “the glass is always half-full” ETRian).

Tags: CISP, HIV, Crisis, Professional development, Crisis de-escalation
By B.A. Laris, MPH

13. How to Design an Effective Staff Retreat: A Lesson from Life

By Sarah Axelson, MSW | March 18, 2018

When is the last time your organization held a staff retreat? Did it help you accomplish your organizational goals?

A few weeks ago, ETR held its annual staff retreat. I was genuinely inspired. The planners of this event offered some valuable lessons for any organization on how to design effective and engaging retreats.

Tags: Staff retreat, Training design, Professional development

14. Facilitation Quick Tips: Say the Color, Not the Word

By Lia Cassanego, MPH | October 5, 2017

Here’s an activity will energize and engage your group. But wait! That’s not all! It will also astound participants with the mysterious workings of our brains.

Tags: Training design, Professional development

15. Can Greek Mythology Help My Time Management Skills?

By BA Laris, MPH | July 18, 2017

I am always trying to make connections. I want to think about problems in new ways. Like most trainers, I like to find strategies that help me translate ideas into bite-sized morsels. I believe play is good for learning, too. Recently, I had a serendipitous opportunity to put all of these interests to work.

Tags: Professional development, Community Impact Solutions Project, Training design, time management

16. Facilitation Quick Tips: Walk/Stop

By Jodi Bernstein, MEd | July 5, 2017
Capacity Building Specialist, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands

Here’s a warm-up or “wake up” activity that is fun, challenging and energizing. It gets participants moving around the training space, stimulates their brains and invites alertness and laughter. It also offers an opportunity for the facilitator to normalize the making of mistakes.

Based on an activity developed by Humor That Works.

Tags: Training design, Professional development, Facilitation Quick Tips

17. Facilitation Quick Tips: Shoulder Tap

By Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES | May 10, 2017

Looking for an activity to close a training? Here’s one that provides a lovely way for participants to reflect on the impact they've made on others in the training group, and the impacts others have made on them. Everyone leaves feeling warm and fuzzy!

Tags: Professional development, Training design
By Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES

18. 8 Things Great Trainers Say

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | April 27, 2017

Yesterday I spent some time with an extraordinary group of people. They're not the kind of folks you're likely to see on TV or read about in the news. They're the kind who go out into their communities every day, do their work with commitment, and make a world of difference.

Tags: Training of trainers, Professional development
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

19. Facilitation Quick Tips: Tech Evolution

By Tracy Wright, MAED | April 4, 2017

Ready for a quick activity to build community while discovering differences and commonalities? Tech Evolution will get you there!

Tags: Facilitation Quick Tips, Professional development, Training design
By Tracy Wright, MAED

20. Facilitation Quick Tips: To Tell the Truth

By Chris Wilson-Smith | February 2, 2017

Are you working with a group that’s ready to laugh, move around a bit and get to know their colleagues at the start of a training? Are you the kind of trainer who likes to start out with something lively and engaging? This may be just the FQT you’re looking for!

Tags: Professional development, Training design, Facilitation Quick Tips
By Chris Wilson-Smith

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 61

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