There are 20 item(s) tagged with the keyword "K12".
By Suzanne Schrag | August 31, 2018
Editor/Product Manager, ETR
JJ is 11 years old and on the way to school. JJ usually stops at the bodega to buy a candy bar for a snack. But today is different. This week JJ is learning in school about increasing your heart rate through physical activity to stay healthy. So, instead of stopping at the bodega, JJ runs around the block three times. JJ shows up to school a little sweaty but excited and energized.
By John Henry Ledwith | August 21, 2018
National Sales Manager, ETR
I heard a story last night that’s had me thinking about inspiration. I was at a performance of the John Jorgenson Bluegrass Band. The amazing Herb Pedersen told us about how he came to write one of the finest and most popular bluegrass songs ever, “Wait a Minute.”
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | August 7, 2018
Senior Editor, ETR
Fifth grade. My girlfriends and I are on the climbing gym. We stay on the low bars and carefully tuck our skirts under us so the boys won’t look up our dresses. When we really want to bust free and climb up to the top, my friend Cyndi—one tough girl, I’ll tell you—runs foot patrol around the base. No boys allowed near the gym!
By Suzanne Schrag | March 22, 2018
Editor/Project Manager, ETR
Here’s a different take on a familiar saying: Those who can, do. Those who really can, teach! And those who teach health know the value of teaching advocacy skills.
Giving students practice in advocacy is a great way to build engagement, review key concepts and personalize what they’ve been learning about healthy behaviors. Advocacy also helps communities hear vital information about health-related issues from critical stakeholders—young people themselves!
By Stephanie Guinosso, PhD | February 26, 2018
Senior Research Associate, ETR
“Our goal is to create a beloved community. This will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
This quote resonates deeply for me. It truly captures the journey we must embark upon to become trauma-informed professionals working within trauma- and healing-informed systems.
By Suzanne Schrag | February 20, 2018
Editor/Project Manager, ETR
Where do young people get health information? Health educators hope their students understand how to find accurate answers to their questions from reliable resources. Such children and youth are in the best position to increase their knowledge in ways that will empower them to practice healthy behaviors and reduce their health risks.
By Suzanne Schrag | November 7, 2017
Editor/Product Manager, ETR
It’s not enough to simply teach students information about health. As health educators, we must help them master key concepts and skills that promote health literacy and lifelong health. HealthSmart, ETR’s comprehensive K–12 health education program, targets Healthy Behavior Outcomes as its primary goal. This sets HealthSmart apart from a more traditional textbook health program.
By Suzanne Schrag | October 30, 2017
Editor/Product Manager, ETR
I’ve been working with HealthSmart, ETR’s comprehensive, K-12 health education program, since its inception. We’ve recently been traveling to different states to introduce schools, districts and DOEs to the HealthSmart program. Often we are presenting HealthSmart alongside more traditional textbook publishers.
HealthSmart is not a textbook program. In fact, it’s quite different from a textbook approach to health class. We’ve given a lot of thought to how we explain what may be a new way to think about health instruction for administrators and educators.
By Elizabeth McDade-Montez, PhD | June 1, 2017
Senior Research Associate, ETR
We joined the march. Along with millions of others across the globe, my young daughters and I marched for women’s rights on January 21, 2017. It was exhilarating and empowering! It was also sometimes challenging. I found myself having to explain some difficult topics to my girls.
By ETR | May 2, 2017
Are you thanking a teacher today? We are. It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Of course, we thank teachers regularly, even when it isn’t a special time of recognition.
Here at ETR, pretty much everyone on the team can name a teacher who had a meaningful impact on their lives. Most of us would name many.
Displaying: 11 - 20 of 20