There are 29 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ETR".
By Erin McCarthy | December 18, 2015
Here’s one of the things I love about my job. Every day, I get to work with people who are passionate about using education to promote healthy behaviors in their communities.
Programs focusing on health and sexuality seek to empower individuals. They want to support healthy sexual choices that reduce sexual risks. The coordination of this work takes dedication, determination and a desire to see positive change. This pretty much sums up Syida Huggins-Richards’ approach to her work.
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | November 24, 2015
Thanksgiving is traditionally a time we think of gratitude. This year, as we consider all that has happened and compare our circumstances to others on the world stage, we at ETR are indeed grateful—for personal health, for homes, for opportunities to be with our families.
We continue, through collaboration, inspiration and hard work to change the world in our small and peaceful ways. The opportunity to do so is something I am incredibly grateful for.
So yes, 2015 has been a difficult year in many respects. But it has also been a wonderful year for ETR, one filled with excellence, shared vision, partnership and collaboration. Here are some of the people and organizations we especially want to thank.
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | August 27, 2015
Heard any good stories lately? Particularly about the work you do and the positive impact your organization has in the world?
Here at ETR, we’ve been thinking about these kinds of stories ever since we read Joan Singson’s blog post on Storytelling for Sustainability. We decided to do an all-staff activity where we explored some of the stories we have to tell about ETR’s work.
By Dan McCormick, MHA | August 3, 2015
This has been an exciting few days for ETR as an organization. We’ve officially teamed up with Select Media to become one organization. We’re looking forward to putting the resources of both organizations to work promoting healthy behaviors in communities across the nation.
Select Media has been a publisher and distributor of a number of the evidence-based programs on the list provided by the Office of Adolescent Health. Now, all of these resources will be available through ETR’s online store, along with the evidence-based programs ETR has been developing and distributing for more than three decades.
By Julie Adams | May 14, 2015
Research Assistant, ETR
A five-mile run has never felt so good! ETR members had the pleasure of participating in the 35th annual Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run this past weekend in Santa Cruz, CA. Together we helped raise funds for the Digital NEST, a non-profit in Watsonville, CA, that seeks to create a safe space for under-represented youth while encouraging them to explore and pursue an entrepreneurial spirit. We are huge supporters of the NEST and everything they do to ensure rural youth in Silicon Valley have access to the technologies needed to thrive in this increasingly digital world.
By ETR | January 5, 2015
The flu season is mightily upon us. The CDC’s fluview map, showing current activity in influenza-like illnesses across the country, is looking extremely red this week.
Encouraging people to get a flu vaccine is one practical step. Another is creating norms about hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. This might be a good time to take a look at ETR’s product page on colds and flu.
We also like this video of Christina Wise talking about a few of her favorite ETR products in the flu prevention category.
By ETR | November 30, 2014
ETR is thrilled with the response to our new pamphlet on e-cigarettes: “E-Cigarettes: 10 Things to Know About Vaping.” In an effort to reach even more people with the facts about e-cigarettes, we now offer this National Health Information Award-winning title in Spanish.
With studies showing the use of e-cigarettes growing rapidly among all age groups, there’s a real need for clear information about these products.
By Dan McCormick, MHA | November 24, 2014
Gratitude. It’s one of those qualities most of us aim to cultivate in our lives, and something we have a chance to genuinely ponder at this time of year.
I asked our staff at a recent all-hands meeting, “What are you grateful for?” I learned that it’s been a great year for gratitude at ETR.
By Dan McCormick, MHA | November 17, 2014
One of the finest moments for me with ETR’s Kirby Summer Interns last year was the time one of them said, “I love being an intern at ETR! I still can’t believe I get to be here. I have friends doing internships where they just go and sit in meetings, or they do filing. I am doing real work here. I’m analyzing data. I’m contributing to a manuscript. I am learning how to be a stronger professional. This is amazing.”
I’m delighted this young woman had such a positive experience here. Her robust praise relates directly to the commitment of ETR’s staff to collaboration and mutual support. Our research group—from senior scientists to newly hired research assistants—stepped up to welcome and engage our interns. These students became a vital part of our workforce during their three months here.
This reflects a larger commitment ETR feels to the importance of supporting students and young professionals in the health education and research arena.
By Laura Perkins, MLS | November 5, 2014
My social media content strategy colleagues and I attended a great webinar yesterday: “50 Blogging Best Practices for Nonprofits.”
Social media maestra Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good clearly laid out best practices for setting up and maintaining a blog using the most current understanding of user-friendly design.
What I found especially striking in her presentation was the evolution of thinking about how to make a blog or website appealing enough and accessible enough to attract and hold people’s attention.
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