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West Contra Costa Unified School District (K12T9)


West Contra Costa Unified School District (K12T9)

Funding Duration

January 2014 - June 2020 (renewed annually)

Project Lead

John Shields


ETR provides consultation, technical assistance, and evaluation services to the District’s Office of Educational Equity to support their efforts to continually enhance their responses to sexual and/or gender-based harassment in compliance with Title IX.

ETR’s K12T9 Initiative team partners with the District across the nine pillars of exemplary Title IX programs to strengthen and maintain the District’s infrastructure, practices, and compliance.

Since 2014, ETR’s K12T9 Initiative has, among other activities, supported the District’s efforts to reform relevant policies and procedures, developed the District’s Title IX website, trained all levels of District personnel on their responsibilities under Title IX, and has helped develop their data collection infrastructure. ETR has also helped the District leverage evaluation data to maintain a primary focus on the elimination, prevention and amelioration of sexual and gender-based harassment.

As a preferred development partner, the District has also played a central role in the conceptualization of ETR’s Title IX Case Management System – a software solution design explicitly for the K12 environment, which is currently in beta testing.

ETR’s partnership with the District is a leading example of our approach to creating meaningful, long-lasting relationships with our School-Based Health & Wellness and K12T9 Initiative clients.



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