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Engaging School-Based Health Centers through ACEs Aware

Engaging School-Based Health Centers through ACEs Aware


CA Department of Health Care Services


Stephanie Guinosso and Kelly Whitaker


California’s ACEs Aware initiative has the bold goal of reducing ACEs and toxic stress by half in one generation. The initiative focuses on prevention education, early identification of ACEs, and treatment of toxic stress through primary care settings.  In June 2020, ETR received grant funding from the ACEs Aware initiative, in partnership with the California School-Based Health Alliance, to engage Medi-Cal providers in school-based health centers (SBHCs) to describe emerging practices and barriers and facilitators to implementing trauma-informed care and ACEs screening in these settings. Our team conducted:

  • Listening sessions with 110 school-based health providers;
  • A virtual professional learning collaborative with nine SBHC providers;
  • In-depth interviews with 10 key stakeholders across four SBHC sites; and
  • A comprehensive literature review and environmental scan.

Key findings and recommendations are summarized in a practice paper available on the ACEs Aware website.

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