Using Ice Breakers to Help Young People Build Trust and Camaraderie

Say goodbye to awkward introductions and hello to meaningful interactions!

Icebreakers can be a great way to help teens get comfortable with each other in new situations. They are also an excellent way for people to share their expectations and for facilitators to introduce the day's topic through the game. In addition, it helps participants to loosen up, understand each other more and enable better collaboration and networking. Last but not least, it is a surefire way to energize the group and have everyone focused and ready to go.

They are also more than just fun games. Icebreakers are a powerful tool to help young people get comfortable with each other, share expectations, and learn to work together. With our creative icebreakers, your teens will loosen up, communicate better, and be ready to tackle any challenge.

Whether you're an educator, parent, or mentor, these activities can help to create a meaningful, positive experience for the young people you are working with.

Image of teens in a focus group with a teacher talking to them with text that says "Using Ice Breakers to Help Young People Build Trust and Camaraderie"

1. Two Truths and a Lie: Each person shares three statements about themselves, two of which are true, and one is a lie. The group must guess which statement is a lie. 

2. Virtual show and tell: Ask each person to share an item from their home and tell a story about it. Make it even more fun by having a surprise show and tell, where you don't tell them ahead of time, and they have to find something to share within 10 seconds. 

3. Unique and Shared: Create groups of 4-5 people, and let them discover what they have in common, along with interesting characteristics that are unique to a person in the group. They have more common ground than they first might of teenagers putting their hands together to cheer

4. Human Knot: The group stands in a circle, and each person grabs the hand of someone across from them. Without letting go, the group must untangle themselves into a circle. 

5. Charades: One person acts out a word or phrase without speaking while the rest of the group tries to guess what it is. 

6. Marshmallow Tower: The group is given a bag of marshmallows and toothpicks and must work together to build the tallest tower possible.

7. Pictionary: One person is given a word or phrase to draw while the rest of the group tries to guess what it is. 

8. Word Association: One person says a word, and the next person says a word that is associated with the previous word. For example, "dog" could be followed by "cat," which could be followed by "mouse," and so on. 

9. Speed Dating Icebreaker: Have people sit in pairs. Determine the time limit (say 3 minutes for each conversation) and set a timer. When it starts, each pair has to find out as much info about the other as possible.

10. Storytelling: One person starts a story with a sentence, and each person in the group takes turns adding a sentence to continue the story. The story can be as silly or serious as the group wants.

Learn More: 

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