
Office of Population Affairs

(OPA) funded project of Education,

Training, and Research (ETR).

ETR’s YEN aims to strengthen youth engagement in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) programs, services and systems change efforts in order to promote optimal health, prevent teen pregnancy and reduce sexually transmitted infections (STI), particularly among young people who experience systemic marginalization or discrimination

To make a measurable impact on youth engagement, the YEN will:

Increase the number and strengthen the coordination of stakeholders committed to engaging youth in programs, services and systems change efforts to improve SRH outcomes.

The YEN is guided by six core values:

Youth at the Center

We believe involving young people is the most important aspect of youth engagement, as they are directly impacted by adolescent programs and services.

Positive Sexuality

We work to establish a positive approach to sexuality and reproduction that honors pleasurable sexual relationships, trust, and communication in the promotion of self-esteem and overall well-being.

Health Equity

We support strategies that seek to eradicate health inequities affecting young people experiencing systemic marginalization or discrimination by promoting youth’s agency and fair access to resources and opportunities so that they can achieve optimal physical, emotional, and social well-being. 

Trauma-informed & Healing-centered

We believe in cultivating conditions that establish safety, restore individual and collective identities, nurture compassionate and trustworthy relationships, develop agency to take action on the issues that impact our lives, and promote hope, resilience and healthier ways of being.

Curiosity, Innovation & Continuous Learning

We are committed to remain curious and inquisitive in generating new ideas and strategies. We understand that innovation is a creative process that requires innate drive, curiosity, risk-taking and a willingness to approach challenges from new perspectives.


We believe in grounding our work in transdisciplinary and rigorous science in order to develop the most effective youth engagement practices and interventions.