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Education for Mind, Body & Spirit


Youth Curriculum

Session 1: Building Respect: We're in this Together

Group members will establish a cohesive group, by setting Group Agreements and participating in a group cohesion activity. They will also begin learning skills for decision making.

Session 2: Honoring Ourselves and Our Values

Group members will examine risk behaviors and why young people may feel invincible or invulnerable, and understand how this can place them at risk for unplanned pregnancy, or STDs including HIV. Group members will learn to identify their values through discussion, ranking and voting activities, and use their personal values to make decisions.

Session 3: Puberty: Understanding What's Happening to You

Group members will learn ways to obtain information in order to make good decisions by applying the decision-making model and researching answers to questions.

Session 4: The Best Decision for Me!

Group members will learn to weigh the positive and negative consequences of options as they make decisions. 

Session 5: Communicating for a Healthier You

Group members will learn communication and negotiation skills to assist in carrying out responsible decisions.

Session 6: Reducing My Risk for STD and Pregnancy

Group members will use roleplays to explore various ways to show they care without having sex and will learn information about sexual health. 

Session 7: The Skills and Wills to Make my Own Choice

Youth will learn attitudes and skills that support sexual health through listening to a teen parent, establishing safer sex guidelines, and role playing refusal and negotiation skills. 

Session 8: Looking Towards My Future

Group members will build self-efficacy about pregnancy prevention and STD/HIV prevention through a goal setting exercise, analyzing their concerns and how they can take responsibility, testing their unplanned pregnancy and STDs knowledge, and affirming each other.