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Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works



It’s important to be able to gauge student learning throughout Get Real. There are a number of different formal and informal assessments built into the curriculum.

  • Process questions are included after many activities. These are intended to extend learning and assess student understanding through discussion. If students have difficulty answering the process questions, it may indicate that they do not fully comprehend the material. It’s important that students not only recall facts and figures, but be able to apply the information and skills they are learning to their own lives. Process questions offer a chance to extend the information learned in class to broader scenarios or discussions.
  • Class participation is another tool that can be used to assess student comprehension. However, keep in mind that many students may feel shy or reluctant to participate in a sexuality education class. Consider participation beyond speaking up in front of the whole class. Students may also be assessed on their participation in small-group or partner activities, or in written work. Participation assessment should also reward students who stay on task without distraction.
  • Student handouts throughout the lessons offer a way to evaluate student work and assess their learning and application of knowledge and skills. These handouts, as well as the family activities for each lesson, are found in the Student Workbook.
  • Role-plays allow for cognitive and behavioral rehearsal of communication and refusal skills during difficult situations. This Sample Rubric may be used to assess student performance in role-plays. Teachers are encouraged to share these criteria with students so they understand how they will be evaluated in the performance of the various role-plays.
  • Final assessments can be used to assess overall learning in Get Real. Suggestions for final creative project options and a test question bank are provided at each grade level.