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Facilitation Quick Tips: Quotables

Facilitation Quick Tips: Quotables

By Debra Christopher, MSM | May 12, 2014

If you deliver trainings or presentations, the tips in this ongoing column can help make your trainings more dynamic, engaging and effective. "Quotables" is an exercise you can use to introduce a topic, do team-building or invite participants to share something about their own perspectives or experiences.


Title: Quotables
Purpose: Introducing a topic, community/team-building, self-disclosure
Best Used: At beginning of session or for transition to new content

  1. Find several quotes related to the topic you are targeting. (If you put “quotes” into a search engine, you’ll find a number of resources for famous and not-so-famous quotes.)
  2. Write each quote in large print on chart paper (or have laminated posters made to allow the quotes to be used again and again over time).
  3. Tape each quote on the wall in the training room. Leave ample space between.
  4. Introduce the activity by asking participants to read the quotes around the room and choose the one that most resonates with them.
  5. Ask participants to stand by their chosen quote.
  6. Process with the large group by asking, “What is it about this quote that resonates with you?”
Facilitator Notes
  • For larger groups, you can have the “quote” groups discuss what resonates among themselves. (Note: If you have situations where only one person chooses a particular quote, you’ll need to help that person join another group for the discussion.)
  • As participants share, identify key phases or words that help pull the content together. You may want to write these on chart paper. You can use these phrases and words throughout the training session.
  • Participants often want a copy of the quotes. Consider providing the list in their training packets, or place the list on an accessible online link.

Debra Christopher, MSM, is Director of Professional and Organizational Development Services at ETR.

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